About Our CEO

Pastor Toyin Olugbemi holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Philosophy respectively. He also has a Master's Degree in Guidance and Counseling as well as Psychology; He Holds a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) and Doctorate Degree in Applied Psychology and is also a Certified Councelor. He is a fellow of at least six (6) recognized institutions including the Institute of Personality Development and Customer Relationships Management (IPDCRM), and the Associate of Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Admininstrators (ACIS). He is also a member of the Association of Professional Counselors of Nigeria (APROCON).

Dr. Toyin Olugbemi is the Assistant Director, Admin/Personnel in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, National Headquaters, Lagos and Assistant National Coordinator of Counseling Dept.
He is a Certified John Maxwell Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Dr. Toyin Olugbemi is a Listener, Compassionate and well Celebrated Leader Per Excellence; Youth Development Strategist, Multidimentional Personality and lover of God. He is an active member of the Nigeria Society for Psychologists (NISEP) Member, Association of Behavioral Research Analysts and Psychometricians(AB-REAP).
About Global High Impact Foundation

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Available, but the majority have suffered alteroform, by injected humour, or randomised wwhdon't oeven slightly believable.you are going to use a ne of the more obscure Latin

Robart Jonson

Doner, Canada
A ne of the more obscure Latin You are going to use. Available, but the majority have suffered alteration soform, by injected humour, or randomised words whdon't look even htly.

Jesse Rayford

Doner, Canada
Randomised words whdon't look even htly believable Available, but the majority have suffered alteration soform, by injected humour, a ne of the more obscure Latin or you are going.

Ralph Alfred

Doner, Canada

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